andi and grim

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Jaws3Jul 31, 2008

Yer, cats do that!\:D He he. He'll get used to his litter tray in a while. If he doesn't then he might not like the litter. Our cats have that problem if mum buys the wrong stuff. They'll poo in the shower or the sink (bathroom that is) or maybe on our beds.\:D I remember we went on holiday one time, and left the house to my grandma to look after. I don't think she cleaned the litter tray, coz when we got back one of the cats had left a lovely present amongst the teddies on my bed. I'm surprised she found a space to crap in! There was so many on my bed!

Jaws3Jul 30, 2008

Sorry: I'm still venting. I need this. Get this: she said that the guy at the shop told her that her phone was the latest and greatest. And I'm like: "Uh, my soon-to-be Brother in Law works for the phone company. He tells people daily which phones are crap and which ones actually work!" It's like she constantly needs a reason to fight with me. Coz at lunch she did the same thing. She reckons I'm boring and lazy because I don't like running around at recess. Omg! It's nice to have someone to talk to who doesn't constantly think aloud about me. You know it's always: "Jess you're so fat." or "Jess your so lazy." She has such a high opinion of herself. \:rolleyes: Anyways, I want to hear more about Fang

Jaws3Jul 30, 2008

he he, that's funny! \:D Guess what? I got a new phone! I still miss my old one, but this one is even cooler! I was telling my 'friends' about it at school and one of them was like: "It can't be the latest model, mine is." And I was like: "Well, how long ago did you get yours?" And she was like: "A month ago." So I said: "Tori, do you know how many phones they come up with in a month? Besides, yours is a slide. It's probably the latest slide, but mine is the latest samsung." She couldn't drop it.\:mad\: Honestly, I don't know why I bother trying to have friends anymore. They are so not worth my time...

WarrayfinsonJul 28, 2008

I love your picture especially the vampire one. You a big fan of horror, if so oh thank you God, I'm not alone!! Go my Chemical Romance they rock my socks off! Sorry, I can get a bit crazy sometimes especially after seeing horror movies! You totally ROCK!!! Keep Creating!!\:\) \;\) \:D

WarrayfinsonJul 28, 2008

Ozzie ozzie ozzie, oi oi oi, OZZIE, OI! Hehe, glad to be ozzie! Thanks for your complinments and no offnce taken! Keep Creating!! \;\)

Jaws3Jul 28, 2008

Aw, that's so cute! \:D Yeah, Booties has punched me in the eye a few times. It hurt...\:\) Now she's asleep behind me, with her head tucked under on paw... Cat's are so cute, aren't they?

WarrayfinsonJul 28, 2008

Wow, you have really awesome stuff. You have true talent and an amazing style. Love the avatar, looks awesome! You totally rock! Keep Creating!!\;\) P.S GO MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE YEAH!

Jaws3Jul 28, 2008

Cool! I have lots of pets, too!\:D I have three cats, you know their names, three dogs, Missy, Lucky and Rascal, one bunny: Big Ears and a bird we like to call Holly-wood. He thinks he's an actor. Every time we want to clean his cage he plays dead! \:\) It's really funny...Has Fang done anything funny yet? Pets (especially cats) always seem to have a knack of doing something goofy! P.s He sound really cute... makes me want another kitten. All our cats are growing up...\:D

Jaws3Jul 27, 2008

Ha ha! That's funny! \:D When we went to pick up booties a few years ago, we had to keep her in a cardboard box on the way to the vets to get her micro-chipped. So the lady found a box and put a whole heap of air holes in it so we could get her across town. Of course, boots didn't like that! She kept getting out! \:D So now, when we think we're gonna get another cat, we discuss it first and then go pick it up, so we have a cat carrier with us!\:D

hiedibear75Jul 27, 2008

Well except that.....I've been wearing black since BEFORE you were even born. \:P No cape.....gets caught in my wheels.\:D Kinda sucks because all the best gothic stuff has long lacy cuffs.\:mad\: Well you've also got me on the heels.....I'd have to have a different wheelchair just to wear heels that high. LOL \:D Besides......wasn't really trying to "be like" anyone else.......just little ole eclectic me.\:cool\: Have fun and don't scare too many old people (although it's fun.....they're just so excitable \:ph34r\: \:P ).\;\) Type @ ya soon.\:wub\:

Jaws3Jul 27, 2008

Yeah, I'm OK. Just a little freaked out is all.\:\) I don't think it had my address on it, or my name for that matter, but we've had it blocked so they can't use it. It was on a plan, so whatever they did we had to pay for, so the first thing Perry did was ring Telstra. \:\) I don't have a spare pair of glasses, so I bent these ones back into a reasonable shape just until I get a new pair or two. And Perry works for Telstra (what a coincidence) so he's gonna get me a really nice phone. \:D Last night, when he was trying to make me feel better he was like: "I'll get you an I-phone," And I said: "Nah, I just want a phone that sends messages, has a camera and doesn't break when I drop it!"\:D

hiedibear75Jul 27, 2008

Yes but how many adults do you know who have skull barrettes, black nail polish & lipstick(Q) \:ph34r\: If you would have seen me at the concert I went to on the 16th; I looked like "the people your parents warn you about"\:cool\: Your welcome to you and her and Ry & the whole teen crowd.\:D

briachantJul 27, 2008

You nut. \:D

BoBoBerryJul 26, 2008

Hello, tell hiedibear I say thanks, oh and thank you for commenting in my guest book! ^^

Jaws3Jul 26, 2008

Sorry to clog up your guest book with a message like this, but something happened tonight that I really need to talk to someone about. My parents are still out and My sister and her boyfriend are asleep, I guess I should be tired too, but I'm not! \:\) OK. Well, I had to go to a ball right? A Vienese ball. With all the puffy dresses that have the skirts that go out at the hips? Yeah. Well, we went to one of those, me and my family. We stopped at MacDonalds for dinner, and everyone loved our dresses! \:D Anyway, I was having heaps of fun, even though I didn't dance because my dress was too long and I kept stepping on it (Long story). But as the night was drawing to an end and the last few dances were being danced I found myself in the kitchen washing up the dishes. My sister and her boyfriend decided to go home, right? Well, they were gonna take my Oma with them and I was gonna stay behind and help out my parents. Ten minutes later my sister came bursting in through the back door of the kitchen, tears streaming down her face. This all happened as my mum walked in.She asked Mel what happened. Mel then answered that her car had been broken into, the one I had arrived in, and that my handbag was lying on the ground outside and the contents of hers were all over the back seat. Of course I started screaming, I was like "Where's my bag? Where is it?!" And Perry had it. He emptied it out and my phone was missing. It had been stolenT I opened my glasses case to see if my glasses were still there and they're all bent out of shape. AND THEY STOLE MY PHONE!\:mad\: . Of course, I was a mess! I was tearing all over the place, which I never normally do, and so my mum said "Go to the police station, report it, and then take Jess home." So we did that, and when we got to the police station there was no-one there!\:\( So now I'm in bed, typing into my laptop, still shaking in fear because some weirdo has my phone!\:\(

briachantJul 26, 2008

Heh heh as in laughing - not as in cows. \:D

hiedibear75Jul 26, 2008

Say if I promise NOT to refer to you as "a doll" would you mind saying "hi" to someone else? \:P BoBoBerry is a newbie to TSR......a 14 yr old that Ry can hang out with when he's banished to Canada (what ever that was about LOL) \:D So anyway I am going to try building more homes with basements in them so I got your tutorial and will give it a whirl as soon as I'm done with my chapter #17 (it's a HUGE story chapter and I'm having to do a bunch of building for it \;\) ).\:cool\: Well take care and all that nice mushy stuff.\:ph34r\: \:P \:cool\:

BlacktearJul 26, 2008

That sounds like fun...\:wacko\:

Jaws3Jul 26, 2008

Really? Oh my god! That is so cool! I have three cats already. There's Jasmine, she's really stuck up, Boots (Short for puss in boots) she's my favorite. She thinks she's a baby, so she'll climb into my arms and just sit there! It's so cute! And the youngest is Cleo. She is the most beautiful, she's very elegant. A black Tabby, with a few dark grey stripes. She's playful, almost as much as booties. Boots will play fetch with anything that you can throw. She uses my hair ties, as well as the toys we buy her, which include a fake mouse with a rattle in it that is so worn out that the fur has fallen of it. And a fake cockroach which we call 'Buggy'. You can't say buggy or she'll come running to you with it in her mouth and expect you to play fetch. It's annoying sometimes, but it's good entertainment! Cat's are good companion animals, on their terms. My dad has a saying: "Dogs have masters, Cats have staff," and most of the time it's true!\:D

briachantJul 25, 2008

Heh heh. \:P

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